Recent Graduate: Maggie Boggs

Maggie Boggs has been dear to our hearts from the time she began her ballet studies at Still Pointe in 2008. With her dance bag packed and plans to double major in dance and an area yet to be determined, Kennesaw State University might be a frequented destination by those of us who are reluctant to let her go!

Here is Maggie's senior questionnaire:

How long have you danced? How many years did you spend at Still Pointe?
I have been dancing for eight years, all of which were with Still Pointe.

Do you have a favorite memory from your time at Still Pointe?
There are so many wonderful memories. I suppose that if I had to pick just one, my favorite memory is when I performed the role of Snow White in the 2015 winter concert. The ballet’s story of Snow’s grace and hopefulness really resonated with me. Jesus used the experience to draw me closer to Him and instill in me a humble confidence rooted in Him.

What was your favorite part of class?
Adagio is certainly a challenge, but it still might be my favorite! I love trying to connect each step and to continually grow and breathe throughout the movement.

What is your favorite kind of dance to watch? Do you have a favorite ballet?
Ballet, ballet, ballet! And my absolute favorite ballet is Giselle. I love watching videos of Alina Cojocaru and Marianela Nunez performing the lead role, and I’m especially fond of the Act I variation and the mad scene.

Where do you find inspiration?
For me, inspiration seems to come from three sources. First of all, nature! God’s creation always makes my heart sing—open fields and gloriously blue autumn skies always call for dancing, in my opinion. I love to choreograph outside, too, when weather permits. :)

I am also inspired by music, which is such an integral part of dance. Music sets both a tempo and a tone for a combination or for a piece of choreography.

Thirdly, I am continually moved by watching other dancers. By studying my Still Pointe peers and videos of professionals, I am always inspired to work harder or try something a new way.

What lessons from dance will you take into your future?
Dance has taught me so much. One of the main things I’ve gained is a sense of diligence and resilience, even when it seems as though improvement is at a standstill. Ballet is a very long-term project, but this shows just how valuable it is to keep trying and pushing through frustrations and doubts.

I would like to thank my beautiful Still Pointe family for all that they’ve blessed me with. You all are so dear to me and you have impacted my life deeply. Mrs. Rogers, you are such a gifted teacher and so full of Godly wisdom. To all my classmates, who also happen to be some of my closest friends, I am honored to have shared part of this life journey with you. I love you all so much.

As I ponder the precious years I’ve spent at Still Pointe, my heart overflows with joy and gratitude for the golden childhood I’ve had as I danced my way closer to the One who gives us limbs with which to dance and minds with which to dream.
