Grace Rogers

Growing up in and around a studio since she was a small baby while Eleanor taught classes, Grace Rogers never would have known she’d someday be working for her mother, turning Still Pointe into a family business. She danced in her high school dance company and started a student organization at the University of Georgia, learning to take care of the administrative side of supporting the arts through creating a space for dancers to feel at home on campus. In 2011, she graduated with a degree in English with an area of emphasis in Studies in the Novel and a French minor. After graduation, she entered into the publishing world, where she spent her days reading manuscripts. But eventually, the waiting room of the ballet studio would call her back.

“Miss Grace” sincerely enjoys the time she spends talking to the moms, hearing the siblings play, and watching the students grow in their abilities from year to year. In addition to taking care of all things administrative, she loves teaching the littlest ones at the studio! Exploring the stories of the classic ballets with the 3 and 4 year olds through the Storybook curriculum is the highlight of her day!

In the summer of 2014, she completed her yoga certification under the direction of Cybele Steen.